Post Care


Alcohol: Avoid 3  alcohol 3 days post body sculpting session.  
Alcohol can affect the liver and its role in fat metabolism. This can impair the way that your body stores fat. Alcohol is also a diuretic which means it can dehydrate the body. When the body is dehydrated it will store retain water to preserve what it needs to function. this can cause bloating and water retention.
Caffeine: Avoid caffeine 24hrs after body sculpting session. 
Much like alcohol, caffeine is a diuretic. This causes dehydration and leads to water retention. this can also inhibit the lymphatic system from completing its task of detoxifying the waste from the fat cells.
Junk Foods: Body contouring is a way to break down and eliminate the stored byproducts in the fat cells. This helps reduce their size and inches. However much like a balloon, these fat cells can increase in size again if not fueled with appropriate nutrients


Water Intake: Our bodies are made up of 60-70% water. Water helps reduce cravings and helps with the detoxification process.
Bowel and Urine: You may find you are using the bathroom more frequently. If pressure was placed on the abdomen it may have encouraged the movement of fecal matter through the intestinal tract. Pressure on the bladder and lots of water will increase urination.
Protein Intake: Protein is the number one building block in muscle tissue. it also helps encourage collagen synthesis. Encouraging a protein rich meal after treatment will help fuel muscle growth.
Activity: Body contouring helps put your body in a fat burning state. Typically this only happens after 15 to 20 minutes of intense activity. Encouraging any form of movement from walking to weight lifting, will help you get double results from a single session.
Sleep: Our body begins to recover during sleep. Having a good nights rest will help with detoxification.
A client can resume with regular activities immediately after treatment. With the booty treatment it is recommended that the client avoid sitting for a long period of time.